AICP - Corgan Media Lab

"This sponsor reel was completed by Corgan MediaLab, at no charge, for the AICP Southwest Awards. This national program honors the best commercials produced throughout the past year, and celebrates "The Art and Technique of the American Commercial." The show travels across the US, and appeared October 21st in Dallas - the Southwest region".

Nuevo spot AMV BBDO, London para Guiness realizado por Johnny Green. Director de fotografía: Wally Pfister, Creativo: Paul Brazier

Miles Aldridge

Fotógrafo editorial y de moda residente en Londres.

Un impresionante trabajo de Stefan Nadelman de Tourist Pictures para el disco debut de Ramona Falls. It's really worth.

Video en stop motion para el grupo punk de los 70's Johnny 7 combo realizado por Andy Martin. diseñador de motion grpahics y director residente en Londres y con trabajos para marcas como Channel 4, VW y Alfa Romeo.

Tronic directed and animated this spot on the loss of nature in our increasingly man-made landscape. I AM shows a bleak future, where animals, now a recent memory, are constructed from detritus. This is their plea to us.
Tronic is a NYC based directing, design and animation studio founded in 2001 by Columbia Architecture graduates Jesse Seppi and Vivian Rosenthal.

HD Fortress

Un impresionante trabajo de ilustración y arte digital.

Fotógrafo de moda y editorial afincado en New York.

"Aras Darmawan is a motion graphics designer/director from Jakarta, Indonesia. He has been in the industry for 2 years as a creative professional in the motion design field".

Nueva campaña de Skittles a cargo de TBWA\SHANGHAI. Director: Trent O'Sullivan. Equipo creativo: Carol Lam, Peng Ji, Leo Wan, Peng Ji,Leo Wan.


Serie fotográfica de aves realizada por Andrew Zuckerman, fotógrafo con una gran trayectoria en fotografía de animales