Shiny Suds

Un gran spot de Droga5 para method cleaning products. Equipo creativo: Ed Royer, Tim Gordon y Amanda Clelland. Director: Tomorrow's Brightest Minds.

N.A.S.A: Tom Waits + Kool Keith

"Boing Boing presents a music video from the N.A.S.A project: "Spacious Thoughts," featuring Tom Waits & Kool Keith, directed by Fluorescent Hill".

vídeo que resume los 11 años de existencia de google realizado por Nick Scott Studio.

Adidas PredatorX

Nuevo spot de 180 Amsterdam para adidas football. Creativos: Andy Martin. Martin Terhart. Director: Marco Brambilla.

Nuevo videoclip de Ben&Julia pata The Main Drag.

The Black Dog's progress

"A tragic, darkly animated and powerful journey through the life of one dog as he travels from abusive home to even worse. Directed by Stephen Irwin. Music by Serenious Bonk

Artista mexicano con unas instalaciones interesantes.

McBess CH / CH

"CH/CH , means Chiasse & Chatte and is the new music video of the dead pirates , quick and violent how we like it".